2025 放視大賞
Connecting Dots:
Connecting Dots:
2025 年,放視大賞邁入第十五週年。今年的年度主題 「Connecting Dots」,不僅向堅持和創意並肩同行的數位內容創作者致敬,更展現我們十五年來不忘初心,為解決產業問題而連結個各種資源、啟發無數潛能。在數位世界快速變化的浪潮中,創作者、企業與人才間的距離像散落的「dots」。這十五年來,放視大賞致力於拉近點和點之間的空隙,提供交流平台、搭建資源橋樑,讓點與點相連,創造無限可能。不僅是創意的展示舞台,更是一個匯聚產業力量、推動進步的實驗場。
在漫長旅途的一個點上,我們交集而見證了彼此。從決定參與 VGW 開始,路上所遇到的每一個人、每一件事、每一句話都是一個 dot。直到 2025 VGW 現場,
在漫長旅途的一個點上,我們交集而見證了彼此。從決定參與 VGW 開始,路上所遇到的每一個人、每一件事、每一句話都是一個 dot。直到 2025 VGW 現場,
dots connected,
transform into a line,
then become a surface.
transform into a line,
then become a surface.
今年的主視覺設計以細碎文字模擬數位河流,流動的文字逐漸匯聚,最終形成年度主題標題 「Connecting Dots:」,展現放視大賞將不斷創造機會與價值。跨過十五週年里程碑,我們期待與更多創作者、企業與合作夥伴攜手,讓這股連結的力量持續擴展,找到每個尚未被發現的可能,激發更多令人驚嘆的創意與變革。
2025 放視大賞,與你相遇在創意連結的下一個里程碑。
2025 放視大賞,與你相遇在創意連結的下一個里程碑。
In 2025, Vision Get Wild (VGW) marks its 15th anniversary. This year's theme, “Connecting Dots,” honors digital creators who persevere with creativity and reflects our 15-year commitment to solving industry challenges by connecting resources and unlocking potential.
In the fast-changing digital world, creators, businesses, and talent often feel like scattered dots. For 15 years, VGW has bridged these gaps, offering a platform for collaboration and a space where creativity meets progress. It’s more than a showcase—it’s where industry forces converge to spark innovation.
Every interaction, experience, and conversation at VGW is a dot on your creative journey. At the 2025 VGW, these dots come together:
dots connected,
transform into a line,
then become a surface.
This year's visuals turn fragmented text into a flowing digital river. As the text converges, it forms the theme title, “Connecting Dots,” symbolizing VGW's mission to create value and opportunity.
Crossing this milestone, we invite more creators, businesses, and partners to join us in expanding the power of connection, uncovering hidden potential, and igniting transformation.
2025 Vision Get Wild: Meet us at the next milestone in creativity and connection.
In the fast-changing digital world, creators, businesses, and talent often feel like scattered dots. For 15 years, VGW has bridged these gaps, offering a platform for collaboration and a space where creativity meets progress. It’s more than a showcase—it’s where industry forces converge to spark innovation.
Every interaction, experience, and conversation at VGW is a dot on your creative journey. At the 2025 VGW, these dots come together:
dots connected,
transform into a line,
then become a surface.
This year's visuals turn fragmented text into a flowing digital river. As the text converges, it forms the theme title, “Connecting Dots,” symbolizing VGW's mission to create value and opportunity.
Crossing this milestone, we invite more creators, businesses, and partners to join us in expanding the power of connection, uncovering hidden potential, and igniting transformation.
2025 Vision Get Wild: Meet us at the next milestone in creativity and connection.